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From Genocide Joe to Kamala the Cop: the only solution is revolution

The Democratic Party has changed killers. Kamala Harris, a cop lover, former prosecutor, and a woman who has praised Zionism and rode shotgun to Genocide Joe in the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians, is now the Presidential rival to Donald Trump.  In one of her first official acts as presidential candidate Harris lauded Israel’s right to “self-defense” and attacked protesters in Washington standing up against genocidaire Benjamin Netanyahu’s fascist appeal to the U.S. Congress.

In the coming days and weeks, we are likely to see thousands of people defend Harris as the only alternative to the “existential” threat of Donald Trump. We will also see people saying how great it would be to have the first woman president—and a mixed-race woman at that (Harris has both African and South Asian lineage).  And we will see Harris martyred by Republicans and right-wingers who will hurl racists, sexist, xenophobic tropes her way.

As revolutionary socialists, we will have to both condemn racism and sexism and build out more strongly than ever our case for revolution.  Like Netanyahu, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and the parties they lead—are war criminals. Both support the genocide against Palestinians. Both have put women and children into jails along the U.S.-Mexico border, supported mass deportations, and advocated for the building of a wall along the border.

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump both back the cops—not the people. Harris and the Democrats support giving even more money for policing, and Trump openly calls to “Back the Blue.” Harris, like Obama, has done nothing for Black people except ask for their votes. Trump is an open racist who refers to the Global South as full of “shithole countries.”

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are both responsible for women not having free and open access to abortion. The Democratic Party mouths support for Roe v. Wade but has allowed it to be snatched away. Trump has filled the courts, including the Supreme Court, with right-wing misogynistic judges.

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have together paved the road to the rise of fascism in the U.S., and around the world. Trump has openly encouraged fascists to “stand by” and Harris and the Democrats have attacked Palestinian protesters, and not the fascists and neo-Nazis who attack them.

Most importantly Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are part of the ruling capitalist class, who get rich off the backs of the working class. The Black woman and the white man stand united in their defense of a capitalist system that exploits workers, oppresses women, demonizes immigrants, and puts billions into their own pockets and those of their friends. 

All of this means that THE ONLY SOLUTION IS REVOLUTION. Only we, the working class, can save ourselves from the two-headed monster running this blood-soaked empire.    

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