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Build a Revolution: A CALL TO ACTION!

Building an open revolutionary movement and party is non-negotiable under the unsustainable
global capitalist and imperialist system that keeps billions of people around the world in poverty,
oppression, exploitation, violence, and environmental catastrophes.
On August 19-22, thousands of working people are traveling to Chicago to protest Biden and the Democratic Party that has been arming and enabling the Zionist occupation of Palestine and the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
People across the world have taken action to oppose the Palestinian genocide, as well as the ongoing and imperialist-driven genocides in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and in Yemen. The Biden Administration, the Democratic Party, and the aligned Republican Party have responded to protest movements by unleashing state repression and police violence. “Cop Cities” are being built all over the country with the intent to strengthen and build up the state’s armed forces in preparation for the rebellion of the people as they continue to strip away all our rights. The hard right turns being taken by the ruling class is also emboldening far right and fascist forces to take action.

Israel es culpable de genocidio pero la ley no nos salvará

La presentación por Sudáfrica de un caso de genocidio contra el Estado de Israel ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de los Países Bajos la semana pasada arrojó una luz crucial sobre las horribles condiciones que siguen soportando los Palestinos. Desde que Israel comenzó su guerra contra Gaza en octubre, más de 23.000 Palestinos han muerto, más de 50.000 han resultado heridos y 1,8 millones de personas han sido desplazadas de sus hogares. Más de 9.000 niños Palestinos han muerto. Gaza está al borde de la hambruna. Las enfermedades proliferan en Gaza.

Israel is Guilty of Genocide but the Law Won’t Save Us

South Africa’s presentation of a case for genocide against the state of Israel before the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands last week shed a crucial spotlight on the horrific conditions Palestinians continue to endure. Since Israel began its war against Gaza in October, more than 23,000 Palestinians have been killed, more than 50,000 injured, and 1.8 million people have been displaced from their homes. More than 9,000 Palestinian children have been killed. Gaza is on the brink of famine. Disease in Gaza runs rampant.

Levántate por Palestina

El ejército israelí ha matado ya a más de 18.000 Palestinos en Gaza, al menos la mitad de ellos
mujeres y niños. El asesinato masivo es implacable, y ahora están apareciendo relatos de
ejecuciones en masa y otros tipos de barbarie. Más de 1,9 millones de los 2,2 millones de
habitantes de Gaza han sido desplazados. Estas cifras de muertes y desplazamientos superan
a las de la Nakba de 1947-1948, cuando las milicias sionistas que luchaban por la creación del
Estado de Israel asesinaron a miles de Palestinos y expulsaron definitivamente a más de
750.000 de su patria histórica.

Rise Up for Palestine

The Israeli military has now killed more than 18,000 Palestinians in Gaza, at least half of them women and children. The mass murder is relentless, with accounts of mass executions now emerging, and other types of barbarism. Over 1.9 million of the 2.2 million people of Gaza have been displaced. These terms of death and displacement surpass the 1947-1948 Nakba, when Zionist militias fighting for the creation of the state of Israel murdered thousands of Palestinians, and sent more than 750,000 permanently out of their historic homeland.

This second Palestinian Nakba, and ongoing genocide, continues to be bankrolled by the United States. Early in November both parties voted to send 14 billion dollars in military aid to Israel. Just days ago, 412 members of both parties voted yes to a right wing Republican resolution which equates antizionism—criticism of racist Israel settler-colonial ideology and state policy—with antisemitism.

Por qué necesitamos teoría

El asalto de Israel a los Palestinos en estos momentos es la ofensiva más extrema que Israel
ha lanzado en décadas. Cientos de miles de personas están tomando las calles de todo el
mundo para protestar contra el bloqueo Israelí de Gaza. Las manifestaciones generalizadas en
todo Medio Oriente han amenazado la inestabilidad y han desempeñado un papel en el llamado de Biden a Israel para que frene el genocidio.

Why We Need Theory

Israel’s assault on Palestinians right now is the most extreme offensive Israel has launched in decades. Hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets around the world to protest Israel’s siege of Gaza. The widespread demonstrations across the Middle East have threatened instability and have played a role in Biden calling on Israel to slowdown the genocide.

Palestina será libre

Los socialistas siempre han considerado la creación del Estado de Israel como un proyecto de los países colonizadores occidentales. Los Estados capitalistas de Europa y Estados Unidos que apoyaron la creación de Israel lo hicieron por dos razones: para establecer un punto de apoyo político en una región rica en petróleo a la que querían tener acceso para construir su maquinaria capitalista, y para crear una tierra natal para los judíos que, para empezar, no querían realmente en sus propios países. Desde su creación en 1948, Israel ha servido como vigilante de Estados Unidos.

Palestine Will Be Free!

Socialists have always viewed the creation of the state of Israel as a project of Western colonizing countries. The capitalist states of Europe and the United States that supported the creation of Israel did so for two reasons: to establish a political foothold in a region rich with oil they wanted access to build their capitalist machinery, and to create a homeland for Jews they did not really want in their own countries to begin with. Since the creation of Israel in 1948, it has served as a watchdog for the United States.

It was Palestinians who paid the price for this colonizing project and imperial arrangement. Their indigenous homeland was taken from them. They were denied a state. They were forced to live under a United Nations partition they did not support. Over 750,000 Palestinians were displaced during the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” of Israel’s creation; many thousands more were murdered.

Hands Off the Forest Defenders! Stop Cop City!

he state of Georgia has filed RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) charges against 61 forest defenders for their role in protesting and obstructing the construction of a massive police training facility known as Cop City in a forested area outside Atlanta. This act of repression is an attempt to snuff out the most vibrant remnant of the George Floyd rebellion that began in 2020, and set a legal precedent for prosecuting activists on ideological grounds. In order to free our comrades – and prevent further attacks by the state – it must be opposed by all corners of the left and social movements.

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Gathering in Chicago to build a new revolutionary left and socialist alternative
Gathering in Chicago to build a new left
August 20, 7pm CT - Chicago Pilsen Community Books
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