Creative Arts
Ladxidua´ / Mi corazón
Como parte de nuestro trabajo sobre la visibilización de pueblos históricamente discriminados o grupos vulnerables y el rescate de la lengua, el proyecto LADXIDUA´/MI CORAZÓN está pensado para crear conciencia a través de la gráfica y las lenguas originarias.
Somewhere together
Somewhere another dimension perhaps oil and water mix effortlessly and we can hold them both at once land, theirs
is ours now, is stateless somewhere another stateless dimension perhaps red earth is free.
Black Beans: Afromexican and Blaxican music to listen to year round
The history of Blackness in the Americas is deep rooted, even while largely dismissed by official institutions and national governments. The musical and political exchange between Black and Mexican peoples throughout history and despite borders, has also resulted in many beloved music genres, from Son Jarocho to Cumbia, Rock and Hip-Hop.
This playlists includes Son Jarocho, Cumbia, Ballads, and Hip Hop from and influenced by AfroMexican and Blaxican music in the US and Mexico.