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AMLO intensifica la guerra contra los migrantes en México

Hace poco más de unaúltima semana, soldados mexicanos atacaron una caravana demigrantes en Chiapas, México, arrestando a casi 800 personas e hiriendo a varios de ellos. Lamayor parte de estos migrantes eran hondureños. Desde el 18 de enero, el gobierno ha deportadoa 2,303 inmigrantes centroamericanos.1 Mientras que decenas de miles de migrantes estándetenidos en campos de concentración sin atención médica, con acceso limitado a agua potable ycomida. Las condiciones en estos campos han sido descritas como antihigiénicas ysuperpobladas.2 El gobierno ha desplegado miles de soldados a la frontera con Guatemala paradetener a los migrantes. Estos son los actos del gobierno de Andrés Manuel López Obrador(AMLO), quien ha dado continuidad a las políticas migratorias de los presidentes anteriores:deportando a más migrantes centroamericanos que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

Declaración en solidaridad con los refugiados centroamericanos

La semana pasada, el ejército Mexicano, actuando como policía fronteriza, atacó a cientos de civiles migrantes indefensos, la mayoría de los cuales son de Centro Américanos, con spray de pimienta, matando al menos a una persona y arrestando a más de 800 personas que buscaban asilo.

Nosotros, MeXicanos, nacidos o con raíces en México, viviendo en los Estados Unidos, denunciamos el uso de violencia militar por parte del gobierno de Estados Unidos y de México en contra de migrantes inocentes. Además, rechazamos los esfuerzos de Estados Unidos para controlar y militarizar las fronteras de Centroamérica, por medio de acuerdos ejecutivos con México, Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador, que van en contra de la política de movimiento libre que existía anteriormente entre estos países.

Statement of solidarity with Central American refugees

Last week, the Mexican military, acting as border enforcement, attacked hundreds of unarmed migrant civilians, most of whom are Central American, with tear gas, killing at least one person and arresting more than 800 asylum seekers, more than 350 of whom were deported this tuesday.

As MeXicanos, born in or with roots in Mexico, living in the U.S. we strongly denounce the United States and Mexican government’s use of military violence against innocent migrants. Moreover, we oppose the United States efforts to enforce and militarize Mexico’s southern border and those of Central America, including Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, going against a policy of free movement that previously existed between these countries.

Abuelo’s truck

“Babe, what time are your parents coming?” Julian says to me while leaning over my shoulder from the side of the bed, his dark wavy hair falling over his big brown eyes.

He’s been up for two and a half hours already, fed our two cats and a dog, made us coffee, and a to do list for the day. He lays down next to me and waits for me to wake up.

“Too early.” I say half asleep, scrunching my face to the light. “I need to text my dad.”

They are coming at 10am, as in, five minutes away. I brush my teeth and we head down, get in the car and say our hellos.

“Hola Juan. Hola Yka” says Julian as he gets in the car.

Abriendo la frontera a través de la lucha de clases y solidaridad

El capitalismo norteamericano se ha transformado en dos realidades superpuestas, y aun así totalmente contradictorias para el capital y el trabajo. En ninguna parte es esto más evidente que observando lo que ha sucedido entre los Estados Unidos y México en las últimas tres décadas. A través de los auspicios del estado, sus dos principales partidos políticos y sus homólogos menores a través de las fronteras nacionales, la clase capitalista de los Estados Unidos ha transformado la región en una economía singular para el capital sin fronteras.[1]

Opening the border through class struggle and solidarity

North American capitalism has been transformed into two over-lapping, yet starkly contradictory realities for capital and labor. Nowhere is this more apparent than through observation of what has taken place between the United States and Mexico over the last three decades. Through the aegis of the state, its two major political parties, and its junior counterparts across national boundaries, the US capitalist class has transformed the region into a singular borderless economy for capital.

Integration in this form has been accomplished through what are mischaracterized as “free-trade agreements” (FTAs). These were imposed under authoritarian conditions. Freedom was conspicuously absent when FTAs were dictated to the Mexican people during economic crisis as conditional in exchange for emergency loans. These “structural adjustment programs” required by outside entities such as the International Monetary

“Yo tambien tengo sueños”

This drawing is a celebration and honoring of *all* forms of labor that I created for International Workers’ Day. By “honoring,” I mean that we must advocate for laws and policies that allow us to work with dignity and safety. On October 12, 2019, the Hard Rock construction project collapsed in New Orleans, killing three workers and injuring many more. Workers had been warning management for time that labor conditions were unsafe. One worker who spoke out about the collapse to news media was deported to Honduras recently. His name is Delmer Joel Ramirez Palma and he has lived in the United States for almost 20 years. He has a family here. He has a life here. He has dreams too. Always, but especially now, we must fight for working conditions that allow us to realize our dreams and do not punish us for demanding just treatment.

Las masacres de Gilroy y El Paso: Trump y la larga historia del racismo anti-mexicano en los Estados Unidos

Es triste decir que, al enterarme del tiroteo masivo del 28 de julio de2019 en el Festival del Ajo en Gilroy (“Gilroy Garlic Festival”), cometidopor un supremacista blanco, estaba desconcertado y enfurecido, mas nosorprendido. Días más tarde, mi conmoción, ira, y aprehensiónaumentaron cuando supe de otro tiroteo, también a manos de unsupremacista blanco, esta vez en El Paso, Tejas. Nuevamente, no mesorprendió que algo así pudiera suceder hoy en los Estados Unidos.

Keep families together/Cages are cages

These prints were created in support of undocumented folks as well as being a criticism of the United States. Amerikkka has spread fear, weapons, corruption, and violence across the world, creating conditions that force people to risk their lives to escape in search of survival. Folks migrating to the United States continue to live in fear and are being persecuted, put in cages, and killed. As an artist and a formerly undocumented person, I create art that helps undocumented folks heal and calls for their protection and for solidarity with their fight. I will never stop fighting for the safety, happiness, and rights of undocumented people.

Support all undocumented youth

This print was created in support of undocumented folks as well as being a criticism of the United States.  Amerikkka has spread fear, weapons, corruption, and violence across the world, creating conditions that force people to risk their lives to escape in search of survival. Folks migrating to the United States continue to live in fear and are being persecuted, put in cages, and killed. As an artist and a formerly undocumented person, I create art that helps undocumented folks heal and calls for their protection and for solidarity with their fight. I will never stop fighting for the safety, happiness, and rights of undocumented people. 

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