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Can an Imperialist Ceasefire Work?  

The announcement that a ‘ceasefire’ has been reached between the Zionist entity and Hamas has been cause for celebration for the Palestinian people. The current ceasefire blueprint was established back in May 2024, a plan which was “endorsed unanimously” by the United Nations Security Council, but whose implementation was blocked by the Netanyahu and Biden administrations in favor of extending the US-funded, Israeli slaughter.

Palestine Will Be Free!

Socialists have always viewed the creation of the state of Israel as a project of Western colonizing countries. The capitalist states of Europe and the United States that supported the creation of Israel did so for two reasons: to establish a political foothold in a region rich with oil they wanted access to build their capitalist machinery, and to create a homeland for Jews they did not really want in their own countries to begin with. Since the creation of Israel in 1948, it has served as a watchdog for the United States.

It was Palestinians who paid the price for this colonizing project and imperial arrangement. Their indigenous homeland was taken from them. They were denied a state. They were forced to live under a United Nations partition they did not support. Over 750,000 Palestinians were displaced during the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” of Israel’s creation; many thousands more were murdered.

Hands Off the Forest Defenders! Stop Cop City!

he state of Georgia has filed RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) charges against 61 forest defenders for their role in protesting and obstructing the construction of a massive police training facility known as Cop City in a forested area outside Atlanta. This act of repression is an attempt to snuff out the most vibrant remnant of the George Floyd rebellion that began in 2020, and set a legal precedent for prosecuting activists on ideological grounds. In order to free our comrades – and prevent further attacks by the state – it must be opposed by all corners of the left and social movements.

¡Liberen a Susana Prieto Terrazas AHORA!

El lunes 8 de junio, la abogada y dirigente laboral, Susana Prieto Terrazas, fue detenida y arrestada en la ciudad de Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México por la Policía Estatal de Tamaulipas. El Fiscal General del Estado de Tamaulipas la está acusando falsamente de “ataques contra servidores públicos, disturbios y amenazas y coerción de personas.” Sin embargo, la razón verdadera por cual la Lic. Susana Prieto Terrazas está siendo atacada es por organizar a los trabajadores de las maquiladoras y por desafiar a los sindicatos charros que trabajan con funcionarios estatales y federales para reprimir el movimiento de los nuevos trabajadores en México. Matamoros es una ciudad fronteriza situada directamente al cruzar de la ciudad de Brownsville, Texas.

Free Susana Prieto Terrazas NOW!

On Monday, June 8th, the lawyer and labor leader Susana Prieto Terrazas was detained and arrested in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico by the Tamaulipas State Police. The city of Matamoros is located along the Texas-Mexico border directly across from Brownsville, Texas. She is being falsely accused of “attacks against public servants, riots and threat and coercion of individuals” by the Attorney General of the State of Tamaulipas. She is really being targeted for organizing maquiladora workers and challenging the corrupt and venal “charro” unions that work with state and federal officials to repress the new worker’s movement in Mexico.

Declaración de Puntorojo: Latinx debe solidarizarse con el movimiento por la liberación Negra

La revista Punto Rojo publica las voces y los puntos de vista de pensadores, trabajadores, académicos y activistas radicales mexicanos, chicanxs, latinxs y transnacionales. Nuestra publicación se solidariza con la comunidad negra y sus familiares a través del país que buscan justicia por las vidas negras arrebatadas por la violencia estatal. Justicia para George Floyd (Minneapolis), Breonna Taylor (Louisville), Tony McDade (Tallahassee), Ahmaud Arbery (Brunswick), Nina Pop (Sikeston) y por la innumerable cantidad de vidas perdidas a la violencia policial.

Declaración en solidaridad con los refugiados centroamericanos

La semana pasada, el ejército Mexicano, actuando como policía fronteriza, atacó a cientos de civiles migrantes indefensos, la mayoría de los cuales son de Centro Américanos, con spray de pimienta, matando al menos a una persona y arrestando a más de 800 personas que buscaban asilo.

Nosotros, MeXicanos, nacidos o con raíces en México, viviendo en los Estados Unidos, denunciamos el uso de violencia militar por parte del gobierno de Estados Unidos y de México en contra de migrantes inocentes. Además, rechazamos los esfuerzos de Estados Unidos para controlar y militarizar las fronteras de Centroamérica, por medio de acuerdos ejecutivos con México, Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador, que van en contra de la política de movimiento libre que existía anteriormente entre estos países.

Statement of solidarity with Central American refugees

Last week, the Mexican military, acting as border enforcement, attacked hundreds of unarmed migrant civilians, most of whom are Central American, with tear gas, killing at least one person and arresting more than 800 asylum seekers, more than 350 of whom were deported this tuesday.

As MeXicanos, born in or with roots in Mexico, living in the U.S. we strongly denounce the United States and Mexican government’s use of military violence against innocent migrants. Moreover, we oppose the United States efforts to enforce and militarize Mexico’s southern border and those of Central America, including Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, going against a policy of free movement that previously existed between these countries.

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