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class struggle

It Will Take an Army of Many to Defeat Capitalism

On December 3, the day before United Health Care CEO Brian Thompson was blasted from this earth, Reuters news service reported that his company’s revenues for 2025 were expected to be over $450 billion dollars, more than $30 billion over their own corporate forecast. In the second four months of 2024 alone, UnitedHealth Group made nearly $100 billion dollars. Thompson himself made more than $10 million dollars annually as CEO for United Health Care before he was killed.

Un Sistema Totalmente Arbitrario y Explotador

Llegar a los 55 años para muchos hombres de clase trabajadora se está convirtiendo en una amenaza persistente, en un miedo real que podría cambiar sus vidas de manera drástica.
¿Qué pasa a los 55 años actualmente, que provoca perder el sueño en muchos hombres?
La crisis económica, la falta de empleo y las altas rentas golpean fuertemente a un gran sector de hombres y mujeres de esta edad. Especialmente hombres que representan el sostén de la familia.

Unite and Fight the Housing Goliath

The growing ambition of the rich and the millionaires becomes more remarkable each day, especially when talking about the powerful class of property owners and landlords. The business of buying and selling property and renting has become extremely lucrative and profitable.
It is frightening to see how far the property owners have gone, increasing the rental and selling prices to levels that are practically impossible for working class people to afford. But the most terrifying thing is to know that they are driven by more wealth accumulation regardless of this social injustice, and as a result hundreds of people are being pushed into the streets. The situation has become devastating for families that cannot sustain the high cost of housing and are facing displacement.

Únete y Lucha Contra el Goliat de la Vivienda

Cada día se vuelve más notable la ambición de los ricos y millonarios, especialmente hablando de los poderosos dueños de vivienda para rentar o vender. Este lucrativo negocio de comprar y vender propiedades, y rentar vivienda se ha convertido hoy en día en una inversión demasiado rentable.
Asusta ver hasta donde han llegado los dueños de la propiedad de alquiler y de venta, aumentando los precios de renta y de adquisición, casi imposibles de pagar por un obrero. Pero lo más terrorífico es saber que nada los detiene, y que como consecuencia a esta injusticia social, en las calles van en aumento los cientos de personas sin hogar. Familias que no pueden sostener el alto costo de una vivienda, y esto es realmente terrible.

The Making of a System in Crisis: the ungovernability of 21st century capitalism

As Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels explained in their foundational exposition of historical materialism and the dialectics of social transformation, a mode of production in crisis does not collapse under the weight of its own malfunction; it has to dismantled and replaced through the self-conscious action of a rising revolutionary class.
The multiplying crises of capitalism have led to internal dysfunction and debilitations that render its operations increasingly out of sync with the needs and basic sustenance of the vast majority of humanity and the rest of the natural world. It is rapidly reaching the limits of its own capacity for self-reproduction, and cannot seem to persist without inducing even greater calamity and instability. As the capitalist system trudges on in this linear trajectory, a cumulative transformation is well underway: where more will have to be sacrificed so that capitalism may live on.

Black Struggle is Class Struggle

Whether or not Amazon, a global behemoth and now trillion-dollar corporation, will be forced to eventually collectively bargain with a unionized workforce at its fulfillment center warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama hinges upon the votes of nearly 6,000 workers. Despite its characterization as a Red State in the Deep South, the workers in Alabama are at the forefront of a new effort to re-build the U.S. labor movement.

If successful, the union drive by mail-in vote concluding on March 29th would mark the first time an Amazon facility in the U.S. is successfully unionized. A pro-union vote would be a win for the entire of the working

The failures of the DSA are going to get us killed

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Trump supporters breach the Capitol on January 6. I was visiting my mom and we were getting ready for dinner when I received frantic texts from comrades from Mexico City. “What is going in the US? I just saw the videos from the Capitol”. I assumed it was some Proud Boys getting violent as usual but when I turned on the TV and watched thousands of Trump supporters outside the Capitol and an armed stand-off inside, I knew this was different.
As we commented on the chaos over dinner, my grandmother, who is blind, began to tense up, she was getting worried, we were talking about civil war, Donald Trump and running away to Mexico. I tried to reassure them that things would be OK, and that this would be resolved appropriately, but deep down, I wasn’t—I’m not—so sure.

Us versus the billionaires and their parties

In a recent interview, Joe Biden was visually irritated when responding to a reporter who asked if his proposed policies are “socialist”. “Do I look like a socialist? Look at my career — my whole career. I am not a socialist…I beat the socialist!”

This back-handed slap at Bernie Sanders occurred precisely at the time that Sanders and the self-identified progressives and Socialists in Congress push for the 10-15 million people who voted for Sanders in the primaries to get behind Biden—despite deep ideological differences.

On the heels of the deployment of Federal police in several states to repress Black Lives Matter protests, and Trump accusing him of being soft on the movement against police violence, Biden defensively replied and criticized the protests. At a high-profile press conference at a steel mill in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with all of its dog-whistle

Puntorojo roundtable: What’s next for the Latinx left?

Now that Bernie Sanders has left the race and endorsed Joe Biden, several articles in The Red Nation, New Politics, Latino Rebels and Jacobin, have assessed the campaign and offered next steps for socialists. At puntorojo, we’d like to contribute to this comradely debate by opening up our magazine for others who want to contribute their reflections. In this piece, we offer two reflections from members of our editorial collective and we invite other Latinx and people of color (POC) socialists to contribute their insights and perspectives as we move forward in a post-Bernie landscape.

Luchadores para el control de rentas

La Union de inquilinos surge a traves de la necesidad de evitar mayor desplazamiento en comunidades de bajos recursos Personalmente como organizadora comuniaria por mas de 15 anos en City Heigts en 2003 trabaje arduamete organizando a mas 300 padres de familia por una major educacion incluyendo respeto a nuestra lengua maternal; debido a que City Heigths es una comunidad con una diversidad multicultural, esto nos llevo a enfocarnos en la problematica de vivienda como un derecho humano y de salud que estaba altamente conectado a la desercion escolar, donde los estudiantes se sentian inseguros al sentir que cada 6meses o cada ano se tenian que ir a vivir a otro barrio e incluso a otro Estado.

Entonces iniciamos un proyecto al cual llamamos PCS (Proyecto de Casas Saludables) el cual fue patrocinado por California Endowment, esto nos dio la oportunidad de evaluar 300 viviendas en CH de las cuales mas del 80% resultaron con problemas realmente graves de humedad e infestaciones de ratas,cucarachas, chinches y otros graves problemas que iban desde tuberias rotas hasta techos rotos, ante este grave problema

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