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Democratic Party

Trumpism: A Morbid Symptom of Declining Empire

The second Trump administration exposes the deepening crisis of US imperialism and deterioration of its preeminence within the global capitalist system. While still the dominant global economic and military power, the US is seeing fracture and decline in the “world order” that it has constructed and maintained through bipartisan commitment and execution since the end of World War II. It is facing counter-hegemonic challenges by Russia and its emergent allies in Central Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, as well as by political division and political fragmentation among its allies in Europe and Asia; by Chinese economic influence across Asia and Africa and its subsequent burgeoning military buildup; and from Iran and its aligned forces across the Middle East.

Class Warfare, the Nonprofit Industrial Complex, and the Revolutionary Alternative

In a “dog-eat-dog world” the existence of nonprofit companies has restored some folks’ hopes in humanity. People working in the nonprofit world are viewed in a somewhat saintly light. Rather than working for an oil company or trading stocks, nonprofit organizations in theory exist to help people without the motivating factor of profit. This provides masses of caring people with an avenue for supposedly supporting their neighbors: You’re feeling empathetic or ashamed? Donate now!

Jockeying to Lead the Empire

On September 10th Kamala Harris and Donald Trump held their first presidential debate. An analysis of the content of their statements and responses shows how both candidates were verbally jockeying to present and position themselves as the better candidate to direct the course of genocide in Palestine and unfolding global imperialist war. They also sparred over who could better guarantee that capitalist accumulation continues to stack the fortunes of the billionaire class that backs and funds the two-party capitalist electoral regime. Neither of capital’s two preferred candidates spoke to the multiple and overlapping crises that are deteriorating the lives of working-class people. Below, Izzy Tellin and Michelle Rundquist share some analysis of the debate.

Reading Rosa Luxemburg in an Era of Barbarism

At the outset of the unprecedented carnage and destruction of the first World War, Rosa Luxemburg, the German-Polish revolutionary leader and thinker wrote:

Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism.’ … Until now, we have all probably read and repeated these words thoughtlessly, without suspecting their fearsome seriousness. … Today, we face the choice exactly as Friedrich Engels foresaw it a generation ago: either the triumph of imperialism and the collapse of all civilization as in ancient Rome, depopulation, desolation, degeneration – a great cemetery. Or the victory of socialism, that means the conscious active struggle of the international proletariat against imperialism and its method of war.

Harris and Walz form “Team A” of US Imperialism

The Harris-Walz ticket will not change the U.S. commitment to war and imperialism. In fact, it will expand it under the cover of domestic liberalism.
Tim Walz is a retired master Army sergeant amd long-time member of the National Guard. He has voted to fund almost every way the U.S. has fought since 2007. He has actually voted to the right of many Democrats when it comes to funding U.S. wars.

From Genocide Joe to Kamala the Cop: the only solution is revolution

The Democratic Party has changed killers. Kamala Harris, a cop lover, former prosecutor, and a woman who has praised Zionism and rode shotgun to Genocide Joe in the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians, is now the Presidential rival to Donald Trump. In one of her first official acts as presidential candidate Harris lauded Israel’s right to “self-defense” and attacked protesters in Washington standing up against genocidaire Benjamin Netanyahu’s fascist appeal to the U.S. Congress.

Towards a New Year’s Revolution: Fighting for Our Lives in 2024

Today, we are living in an historic moment. All over the world, and here in the United States, people are rejecting their government’s support for Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Millions in the Arab world, in the Global South, and in the West have taken to the streets to say No More War/End the Israeli Occupation/Free Palestine. But the leaders are not listening to the majority voices. When 60% of Americans are calling for a ceasefire and only a dismal few representatives have come forward to actually introduce and support legislation calling for a ceasefire, the system is beyond broken. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is even accusing people who support Palestinians of being agents for Russia, and President Genocide Joe Biden has proudly declared himself a Zionist while sending billions of dollars to Israel to kill more Palestinians. It is time for us, the people, to refuse once and for all, to be the silenced majority.

Revolución Contra el Fascismo

El artículo anterior comenzaba con el difunto Franz Neumann sobre el fracaso de votar por el menos malo contra Hitler. Este fue el camino que eligieron los socialdemócratas alemanes como él, aquellos que priorizaron salvar sus propios privilegios de clase media antes que
detener el fascismo. El presente artículo explora el camino que los socialdemócratas no eligieron, el camino de lo que él llamó “revolución política”. Esto no es lo que los socialistas democráticos de hoy como Bernie Sanders, AOC, y el
“Escuadrón” quieren decir con la frase. Lo que quieren decir es una versión más conservadora
de lo que Neumann argumentaba en contra. Defienden una versión más conservadora de la
socialdemocracia que fracasó contra los nazis.

Revolution Against Fascism

The previous article began with the late Franz Neumann on the failure of voting for the lesser evil against Hitler. This was the path chosen by social democrats in Germany like him, those who prioritized saving their own middle-class privilege over stopping fascism. The present article explores the path that the social democrats didn’t choose, the path of what he called “political revolution.”

This isn’t what today’s democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the “Squad” mean by the phrase. What they mean is a more conservative version of what Neumann was arguing against. They’re advocating a more conservative version of the social democracy that failed against the Nazis

Voting for the Lesser Evil Led to Hitler’s Conquest of Power

This is a quote from a man named Franz Neumann. He passed away in 1954. He was Jewish, a socialist, and among the top leadership of the largest political party in Germany during the rise of the Nazis. They were called the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). It’s where the phrase “democratic socialism” comes from. Back then they called it “social democracy.”

The SPD was handed the presidency of the Weimar Republic from its founding in late 1918, shortly after the end of World War I. The SPD was the largest party until the Nazi’s “soft coup” in early 1933. In the quote above, Neumann is describing the two options that were facing the SPD. When he refers to the Communists, he’s referring to the SPD’s main rival on the left, which was the Communist Party of Germany, the KPD.

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